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Bondurant Little League

Bondurant Little League

News Detail


Nov, 2019

2020 Season Registration

Bondurant Little League is excited to announce that registration for the 2020 season is almost here!!! Here is some important information you will need to know about the upcoming season. 

December 9th, 2019 - Online Early-Bird Registration Opens 
January 13th, 2020 - In-Person Registration to be held at the Federated Church in Bondurant (members of the board will be there to answer questions) 
January 31st, 2020 - Early-Bird Registration ENDS 
February 1st, 2020 - Prices go up! 

**Families with multiple children registering will pay full price for the highest level. If registering December 9th thru January 31st you will receive a discount of $20 for each additional child. If registering February 1st and after each child will pay the full registration fee. 

Attached you will find the registration flyer with prices for each division listed, and also the Little League Age Charts for each division. 

Playing Up/Down Policy
All players must first be registered with Bondurant Little League in their natural age division until approval to play up is obtained. Divisions are created by your child's age based on birthday, NOT grade or actual age. Any request to play up must be made via email to the League President @ or Vice President no later than February 1st, 2020. 
All requests will be reviewed by the Bondurant Little League, any players that are determined not eligible for a lower/higher division for any reason will be included in the division based on their age in the Little League age charts. 
Any player who plays below their respective age division is not allowed to play the position of pitcher.
Any request received after February 1st, 2020 are not guaranteed to be honored.  

Divisional Age Information
If your child's age based on the age chart crosses between two (2) divisions, it is at the parents discretion of what division they feel as though their child's skill is better suited for, with the exception of baseball Tee Wee and Pee Wee. If your child is seven (7) years of age and has previous experience playing Tee Wee then they are eligible to play at the Pee Wee level. If they have no previous experience then it is recommended that they play at the Tee Wee level. 

The Bondurant Little League is always looking for Volunteers, please see all volunteer opportunities once registration opens. 

Social Media
We have added a new section in registration to allow or not allow your child's photo to be utilized on social media. Please make sure to the check yes or no to this request. 

Schedules will be released after registration closes and teams have been created. This information will be made available to your coaches and they will be in contact with you to share that information. Once they are released they will be posted on our website at

Season Information
The season is scheduled to run from April to June with the exception of some divisions starting later, and as always it will depend on the weather and when fields will be ready to be played on. We will send out more information after registration closes with more dates/times. 

As always we look forward to a great 2020 season!!! We can't wait for it to start!! 

If you have any questions, you may reach out to us at [email protected]

Thank you, 
Bondurant Little League

Contact Us

Bondurant Little League

P.O. Box 304 
Bondurant, Iowa 50035

Email Us: [email protected]
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